Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Beautiful Babies

So I promise and I do mean promise that I will be updating this more often. We'll call it my St. patrick's Day resolution. Anyway, life in the Potter household is crazy but good. As you can see Addison and Jackson are getting so big. Addi turned 22 months old yesterday and our baby boy is 5 months old today. Scary how time flies. I'd like to say that we are getting more sleep - but Jackson still isn't quite sleeping through the night - although I do believe he is trying. Yes, friends and family I know he needs to be "ferberized" - mommy just isn't quite ready. Addison is a very active 22 month old - she loves to climb and when I say love I mean LOVES to climb. In fact yesterday, daycare had an impossible time pulling her off the jungle gym and she got her first toddler sunburn. Poor kid got my skin : ) Jackson is cooing and trying so hard to roll from back to front - its quite cute to watch him get to one side and not know what to do next. May take him awhile after all he is almost 20 pounds already - again Brian and I have great Brian and I just got back from an adult weekend in Disneyland - I know it sounds funny that we went to Disneyland of all places - but we had such a good time and we're so grateful we did not have our little ones in tow. Thanks Ne-Ne and Pa Pa. I'll borrow my cousin Jamie's statement - we were doing a "research" trip : ) Well, that sums up life right now - but hopefully I will get better at updating this once a week or so. If you are blogging - please let me know so I can keep up with each of you.

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